Pro Division Entry: $400 before May 1st/$450 after May 1st June 7th and 8th (weigh your biggest 5 each day) *any boat with a licensed charter capt onboard must fish pro
Am Division Entry: $100 before May 1st/ $150 after May 1st June 7th and 8th (weigh 5 fish over 2 days)
Ladies and Kids Tourney: $100 before May 1st/ $150 after May 1st June 8th (weigh biggest 5 fish)
$1,000 Per Day +1 Big Fish Contest $100 per boat June 6th, 7th, 8th ($1000 paid out each day for biggest fish 6th, 7th, 8th and biggest 3 combined only 1 from each day wins $1000)
Pro Side Bet $100
AM Side Bet $50